Dr. Malkin’s professional background includes experience in hospital pharmacy, social work and teaching before entering the field of Clinical Psychology in 1980. He then went on to work as a Senior Clinical Psychologist in prisons for six years before practicing in both general and psychiatric hospitals for a further six years. After a brief year in university counselling services, Dr. Malkin practiced in drug and alcohol clinics for ten years.

Today, Dr. Malkin’s focus is within his own, private psychotherapy practice which has been operating now for over 30 years. He has provided consultancy services to Ngala Hospital, Racing and Wagering WA, Perth Human Sexuality Centre, the WA Police and the Commonwealth Department of Defence.

As a Perth Psychologist, Dr Malkin’s offers a wealth of knowledge and an extensive background with experience in a wide range of therapies and issues including Relationship & Couples Counselling, Family Counselling, Depression Counselling, Stress & Anxiety Management, Phobia & Fear Issues, Grief & Loss, Sexual Problems, Life Coaching, Health Issues, Problem Gambling/Drinking & more.


Dr. Malkin adopts a broad, spectrum approach to psychological counselling, incorporating insight from the Ken Wilber Psychotherapy Model. Such an approach aims to include many of the differing schools of psychotherapy, leading to integrations which target the whole person. Dr Malkin’s approach has also been developed to include influences from experience working in the USA with Robert Johnson, noted Jungian orientated psychotherapist and author.

The aim is to synthesis different methods, as appropriate to the needs of each individual.

Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy Methods include:

  • Jungian Orientated Psychotherapy
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
  • Hypnotherapy
  • Inner Child Work
  • Transactional Analysis
  • Gestalt Therapy

Through such counselling methods, Dr. Malkin has established a reputation as a widely-respected Perth Psychologist. As a result, he has gained valuable experience supervising other industry professionals in addition to teaching psychology lectures, seminars and workshops.

More information can be found on the Counselling Methods page.


Dr Malkin is bound by the ethics of the Australian Psychological Society. While confidentiality is always respected, it is limited in cases of proximate harm to self or others. The “I – Thou relationship” with its “I’m OK- you’re OK” basis is central to Transactional Analysis philosophy and Dr. Malkin’s work.


Dr. Malkin practices psychology from offices located in Claremont. To book an appointment, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Malkin today.

Alternatively, to find out more about Dr Malkin’s range of services, please visit the Psychology Services page.


Dr Malkin’s qualifications include:

  • Ph.D (biomedical science policy) Manchester University
  • M.Sc. (Liberal Studies in Science) Manchester University
  • M.Psych. (Clinical Psychology). University of Western Australia
  • Cert. Psych.. Liverpool University
  • B.Pharm.(Hons.) (Pharmacy). Nottingham University
  • Cert Ed. Manchester University
  • Dip.Journalism. Murdoch University
  • Grad.Cert. Gestalt. Gestalt Inst. Perth
  • Dip. Hypnosis. Aust. Soc. Hypnosis
  • Cert.Transactional Analysis. I.T.A.A.